7Cr17MoV vs. CoS | Steel Comparison

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When it comes to selecting the right steel for a knife, 7Cr17MoV and CoS are two options that are often made in similar knives and knife styles. Both steels have their unique properties and characteristics. In this article, we will take a closer look at the composition, properties, and performance of 7Cr17MoV and CoS to help you make an informed decision.

Here is the short answer:

7Cr17MoV is a popular budget-friendly steel used in knife making, known for its decent corrosion resistance and ease of sharpening. In contrast, CoS is a premium steel with exceptional edge retention, easy sharpening, and high corrosion resistance.

Now that we have looked at the short answer, we can look at each steel like what their compositions are, what they are best used for, and how they compare in-depth.

Deep Dive on 7Cr17MoV

7Cr17MoV is a Chinese stainless steel, that is a modified version of 440A steel. It is popular in the knife industry for its affordability and corrosion resistance as well as its ease of sharpening. All of these factors make 7Cr17MoV a popular choice for budget knives. The composition of 7Cr17MoV includes:

– 0.7% carbon

– 17% chromium

– 1% molybdenum

– 0.1% Vanadium

– 0.75% Nickel

The low carbon content and less-than-optimal heat treatment limits its ultimate performance compared to other premium steel options. However, because of the high chromium content, this steel has good corrosion resistance.

Deep Dive on CoS

Cobalt steel (CoS) is a high-end powder metallurgy steel that has exceptional edge retention, corrosion resistance, and sharpening capabilities. It is manufactured by Uddeholm and can primarily be found in higher end knives of all sorts. The composition of CoS includes:

– 1.4% carbon

– 15% chromium

– 2.5% cobalt

– 1% Molybdenum

– 0.3% Vanadium

These elements combined offer high wear resistance and exceptional hardness, making CoS a premium steel. Additionally, the presence of cobalt enhances the steel’s strength and toughness for durability during use, while keeping its sharpening easy.

7Cr17MoV versus CoS

Despite having similar properties, 7Cr17MoV and CoS differ in terms of their performance and pricing. 

While both steel types have good corrosion resistance, CoS has a greater corrosion resistance due to the presence of higher quantities of Chromium and Molybdenum.

When it comes to holding an edge CoS is the better steel. It has a much better composition for edge retention than 7Cr17MoV which is going to make it better for cutting for long periods of time or used for hard chopping. However, keep in mind this means that CoS will also be harder to sharpen.

Because of the higher presence of carbon in CoS, it is also a much tougher steel and is thus better for chopping tasks like bushcraft that require a hard knife that can take some hard hits.

The area where 7Cr17MoV does have CoS beat significantly is price. 7Cr17MoV is vastly cheaper than CoS and is better for those on a budget or who just want a cheap pocket knife that is easy to sharpen.

Best knives in each steel

Since we have looked at each steel and how they compare, we can see what we at Blade Fun have found to be the best knives in each steel.

Fallkniven S1x (CoS)

This is a precision knife that can withstand any blow that can be done with the human hand. This knife has a 5.2-inch blade, a 4.6-inch Thermorun handle, a lanyard hole, and weighs 10 ounces. If you want a knife that does it all this is a knife for you. 

Check out this knife here (link to Amazon)

Gerber EXO-MOD Drop Point (7cr17MoV)

The Gerber EXO-MOD Drop Point is a fixed blade that is ideal for almost all hunting situations. The EXO-MOD Drop Point knife has an orange handle to ensure you never lose it in the field, has a 3.75-inch 7Cr17 MoV blade, has an overall length of 8.5 inches, and weighs only 2.6 ounces. If you want an affordable lightweight hunting knife, this might be the knife for you.

Check out this knife here (link to Amazon)


In conclusion, 7Cr17MoV and CoS are steels that have different properties that make them suited for different uses. While 7Cr17MoV may be ideal for budget-friendly knife users, CoS offers superior edge retention and is tougher so it is a better choice for knives that will be used for hard cutting and chopping tasks.