Knife Steel Info

S35VN vs S110V | Which One is Better?

S35VN vs S110V | Which One is Better?

S35VN (also called CPM-S35VN) and S110V (also called CPM-S35VN) are both great, high-end steels, but they each have their different uses. So, let’s check out the differences between the two. Here’s the short version: S110V is more of a specialty steel compared to...

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S35VN vs M390 Steel | Which One is Better?

S35VN vs M390 Steel | Which One is Better?

S35VN and M390 are both touted as some of the best steels out there, but if you’re looking to find the differences between the two, look no further. S35VN and M390 are both great steels. The main differences between the two are ease of sharpening and edge retention....

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D2 vs S30V | Which One’s Better?

D2 vs S30V | Which One’s Better?

D2 and S30V are both higher tier knife steels. They aren’t the highest you can go, but they’re still pretty up there. When it comes to the differences between the two, here’s the TL:DR version: S30V is a higher-tier knife steel compared to D2. It generally has higher...

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